Not so long ago, I asked my brother why I was stuck where I was. I was stuck in a dark emotion. I was stuck in a not-so-ideal financial situation. And I felt stuck. I asked what he thought my Creator was teaching me, or what he thought I was doing wrong. And my brother told me I was not ready for power.
Of course, at that time, I thought, "Not ready for power? I run a company!" I have been wielding power. Power is normal. And it's not like I abuse mine. I take care of the people given to me. What was my brother talking about? But lately, I've been seeing the truth in my brother's statement. I have a feeling he was talking about something else when he said what he said. But it's true nonetheless. I'm starting to see the power I actually have. And how I haven't been wielding it properly.
Funny how just a few months ago, the camp I attended was all about authority: submitting to it and wielding it. And my friend, Macky, had talked about wielding power at the camp. Also, I made a story that talked about this power. My brother, my friends, and even I have talked about power and this particular power. But I never really realized until recently what relation it had with me. I guess that's how our God teaches: over time and through different people.
I have a power. I call it Moodcasting.
I think all of us moodcast. And like any kind of ability, some of us have stronger moodcasting skills than others. In my case, I became aware of the intensity of my power when I did an evaluation within my little empire. And I found out that when I fret in the office, my people pick it up. They become afraid and uncomfortable. Their request was for me to be strong so that they would be strong. They want me to be unfazed so that they would be unfazed in the face of the unexpected. Whatever I felt, I cast. And what I cast, my people absorbed.
It was the same at home. My mother was always angry when I was angry. And so was my little sister. My brother had a low moodcasting ability. But his absorption was also low, which meant that he didn't get affected by emotions very quickly. But the rest caught fire quite quickly. And I was among the most frequent fire-setters in the family.
Of course, if my mood was good, that got caught, too. Somehow, people around me expected me to be happy, confident and not easily affected. Because if I wasn't, they'd pick it up. And they know it. And they asked me to do something about it.
The truth is, I didn't realize I had this power. And another truth is that I haven't been using it well. But it has been given to me, and now I must learn to wield it. And with God as my strength, I will learn to wield this.