Friday, November 18, 2016


[Verse 1]
Angels we have heard speak a God’s caress.
Dead men tell no tales, but Wise Men tell the lore.
The birth of the Child King.
Fore-destined Emmanuel. 
An endless story of life ever more.
The death to Death in this Love’s Great Conquest.
A promise of joy neverending.

But the cost of a covenant
Is the blood of the innocent.
So on the night the King was born,
So Rachel saw her sons no more.
A mother’s tears and shattered soul.
A hollow gap. A gaping hole.
But out of the dark, He will come to reign.
What He had laid down, He’ll take up once again.

Come now, lift your head. Justice will prevail.
He won’t turn his face from the slain you mourn.
The tears of the broken
Will not go unnoticed.
Rejoice! The Slayer of Death has been born.
So call to Him whom the world found blameless.
Joy to a world that is dying!

[Chorus 1]
Arise, Deathslayer!
Ignite the hearts of those who have grown cold.
And turn back time on those whose love has grown old.
Virgin-born. Destroyer of the curse.
Breaker of the Seals of Seven.
Our God, to whom we lay our lives.
Let all the Earth rejoice in Your coming!
Let all creation glory in Your birth!
We shout Your praises heavenward.
We sing the stories You have bestowed.
We speak Your will upon the the world
‘Til every knee shall bend and declare you King.

Turn your face to us, and give us a glimpse of heaven.
And be to us, more than we can ever fantasize.
Arise, Deathslayer! Arise!

[Verse 2]
Children we have heard speak a hard behest.
Even traitors kiss that which they adore.
The rise of the Man God.
Forsaken Redeemer.
An endless story of life ever more.
The death to Death in this Love’s Great Conquest.
A promise of love never failing.

But the cost of a covenant
Is the blood of the innocent.
So when the time for death has come,
The price required: a Deity’s Son.
And down the depths of dark He called
To slay all Death once and for all.
And out of the dark, He will come to reign.
What He had laid down, He’ll take up once again.

Come now, lift your head. The Slain will save you still.
He won’t leave you to the evil you have sworn.
The pleas of repentance
Will not go unnoticed.
Rejoice! The Slayer of Death has been born.
So call to Him whom the world found blameless.
Joy to a world that is dying!

[Chorus 2]
Be praised, Deathslayer!
Unite the thoughts of those whose hearts have split.
And fan the flames once more of passions you’ve lit.
God and man. Redeemer of the damned.
Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
Our Lord, to whom we give our hearts.
Let all the Earth rejoice in Your coming!
Let all creation glory in Your birth!
We shout Your praises heavenward.
We sing the stories You have bestowed.
We speak Your will upon the the world
‘Til every knee shall bend and declare you King.

Turn your face to us, and fill us with things of wonder.
And pour in us, more than we can fill our days.
Be praised, Deathslayer! Be praised!

[Verse 3]
Carols we have heard, now of joy bereft
Faded memories. Tales from long before.
The end of an era.
Forgotten Messiah.
An endless story of life ever more.
The death to Death in this Love’s Great Conquest.
A promise of life neverending.

[Chorus 1]
Arise, Deathslayer!
Ignite the hearts of those who have grown cold.
And turn back time on those whose love has grown old.
Virgin-born. Destroyer of the curse.
Breaker of the Seals of Seven.
Our God, to whom we lay our lives.
Let all the Earth rejoice in Your coming!
Let all creation glory in Your birth!
We shout Your praises heavenward.
We sing the stories You have bestowed.
We speak Your will upon the the world
‘Til every knee shall bend and declare you King.

Turn your face to us, and give us a glimpse of heaven.
And be to us, more than we can ever fantasize.
Arise, Deathslayer! Arise!

[Chorus 2]
Be praised, Deathslayer!
Unite the thoughts of those whose hearts have split.
And fan the flames once more of passions you’ve lit.
God and man. Redeemer of the damned.
Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
Our Lord, to whom we give our hearts.
Let all the Earth rejoice in Your coming!
Let all creation glory in Your birth!
We shout Your praises heavenward.
We sing the stories You have bestowed.
We speak Your will upon the the world
‘Til every knee shall bend and declare you King.

Turn your face to us, and give us a glimpse of heaven.
And pour in us, more than we can fill our days.
Be praised, Deathslayer! Be praised!

Speak, and I shall fall no further.
Speak, and I shall cease to roam.
Speak, and I’ll be yours forever.
And the younger brother,
This December,
Will sing a carol this eve and come back home.

Speak, and I shall walk on water.
Speak, like no one’s ever heard.
Take my heart and bid me venture.
For the older brother
Will remember
The King has given him leave to change the world.

[Chorus 1]
Arise, Deathslayer!
Ignite the hearts of those who have grown cold.
And turn back time on those whose love has grown old.
Virgin-born. Destroyer of the curse.
Breaker of the Seals of Seven.
Our God, to whom we lay our lives.
Let all the Earth rejoice in Your coming!
Let all creation glory in Your birth!
We shout Your praises heavenward.
We sing the stories You have bestowed.
We speak Your will upon the the world
‘Til every knee shall bend and declare you King.

Turn your face to us, and give us a glimpse of heaven.
And be to us, more than we can ever fantasize.
Arise, Deathslayer! Arise!


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