Friday, October 30, 2015

I am Yours

You have made me, O God, wonderfully and fearfully. You have blessed me and protected me. You have given me friends and family who love me. And in all this, Your burden to me is light. Your instructions simple. And that is to rejoice. And I will rejoice, Lord, regardless of circumstance.

I pray for the opportunities You have thrown my way. If You will it, Lord, let me have them. Let me have what You will. Protect me as You always have. And I will not fret for You are with me.

Lord, I pray for wonders. I will seek Your wonders, Lord. I will turn my eyes to seek them, and I know I will find them if I look. So reveal Your glory, Lord. Put me in awe of You, for You are my God.

Saturday, October 24, 2015


"Prepare your outside work, Make it fit for yourself in the field; And afterward build your house." - Proverbs 24:27

Lord God,

I am a blessed woman. My very name declares Your promise, Your oath, Your covenant. I am favored and loved, not only by my earthly father, who would choose his blindness over my shame, his pride over my education, or my partner, who invited and paid for me to go to this Ancient Paths seminar, but by You, O Lord, Creator of the Universe, Lover of my Soul, who made me fearfully and wonderfully, who knows the number of hair on my head, who knit me in my mother's womb, who knew me before I was even conceived. You love me, O God, with an everlasting love. You have spared my family from evil. And You have opened my eyes to what we need to break. By the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, Lord, break the generational curse brought about by the unrighteousness of desecrating a marriage. And the generational curse brought about by dabbling in the arts we shouldn't. Release us from the victim spirit hounding our family's finances. Release us from whatever bondage keeps us unmarried.