"Ask of Me, and I will give You
The nations for Your inheritance,
And the ends of the earth for Your possession."
-Psalm 2:8
Last Sunday, I attended the service of Building Bridges at Salvatore Bar on the 6th Floor of Pacific Star Building in Makati. I must admit it was my first time to attend service at a bar. But the place was pretty good and besides, why not there, right?
The worship team was practicing when I arrived. And, man, we're they good! They said they were just fooling around, but their Bossa/Techno rendition of "Lord, I offer my life to you" was just...aaaaah! I mean, it was an old song. Who'd have thought they could make it sound so new again. They practiced other songs and they were just...heavenly~...
Lord, I wish I could serve You as well as they do. But look at me, Lord. I'm still trying to run away when already You said--
Anyway, worship started, and they played "You Said" by Hillsong. I had never heard that song before. Or if I did, it had never resonated with me before. But that Sunday, when Micah sang that song, it was like words from my heart were being verbalized. Not quite with the same feeling Hillsong had intended, I'm sure. Because, if I am to be honest about it, my words were slightly accusing. "You said, Lord! You said! You said You have plans for this little empire You have entrusted to me. You said You would show me Your glory. You said You would give me a life that would glorify You. You said!" And yet...
In the same song, He gave me the answer to the questions I couldn't put together. Ask.
Why don't you usually ask? Why do you go about trying to fix everything yourself? Are you afraid He wouldn't pull through for you? Where is your faith? He knows you by name. What is my name? Liz. Lizabeth. What does it mean? God's promises fulfilled. My very name declares God's faithfulness to His promises.
The song talked of His promises. My name declares they will be fulfilled. And how apt when what I am currently doing with some of the good folks from Building Bridges is a game for the nations.
Lord, I ask for the nations...
You said, Ask and you will receive
Whatever you need
You said, Pray and I'll hear from heaven
And I'll heal your land
You said Your glory will fill the earth
Like water the sea
You said, Lift up your eyes
The harvest is here, the kingdom is near
You said, Ask and I'll give the nations to you
O Lord, that's the cry of my heart
Distant shores and the islands will see
Your light, as it rises on us
You said Your glory will fill the earth
Like water the sea
You said, Lift up your eyes
The harvest is here, the kingdom is near
You said, Ask and I'll give the nations to you
O Lord, that's the cry of my heart
Distant shores and the islands will see
Your light, as it rises on us
O Lord, I ask for the nations
Your name, little raven, is Liz. Not Thomas. Doubting doesn't suit you. Not Mara. Bitterness doesn't fit you, either. Your name, your definition, your very existence is a declaration of God's promises. It is high time you remember that.
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