Nevertheless, each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them. This is the rule I lay down in all the churches. (1 Corinthians 7:17 NIV)As a single woman, as the owner of a relatively young business, as a creator, You've seen my struggles, Lord. And you know how many times I've tried to escape, thinking a change in my situation would solve the problem. But You've shown me it's going to be the same in any situation I'm in. That the problem is not the situation, but how I deal with it. I have to learn to be happy, to be content in whatever situation You put me in. Because if I step back and just look at it, You've put me in pretty wonderful situations.
I am single, at an age when I have some disposable income, some time to spare, and wonderful friends and siblings to hangout with. At an age when airfare is affordable. In a place where domestic travel is good. As a person who writes and enjoys seeing nature, experiencing culture, and eating. And with some amount of influence that my posting things about my travels and experiences can spur others to take trips, too; inspire or make them imagine; or at the very least, smile when they see photos of beautiful places. I am mobile enough to start projects that can change the world. I am free enough to move around, see things, cause things, enjoy things without the responsibility of making sure my children and husband are well-fed. This is the season I am in. What am I doing?
I run a business. I make games. How cool is that?! Don't worry about the payroll. God promised He would prosper the business. Many times, He repeats that promise. And hasn't He proven that again and again? So why fret every time clients pay late? He never left me before. What makes me think He'd leave me now? What, He suddenly got tired of saving me? God doesn't get tired. I run it with the best of my abilities. God will do the rest. After all, He didn't say I would make it prosper. He said He would prosper it. I am in an industry that speaks the language of the current generation. I am in an industry that is open to the whole world. I get to travel and meet cool people from companies I only used to dream of meeting. What am I doing?
I can write. I can do comics. I can do games. I am updated when it comes to the stories and technologies in animation. I have experience in advergaming. I know in my heart and head that if I want to change the world, it's actually not textbooks that would do it. It is fiction. I have stories. I have dreams. I may be a little rusty, but if I get back into it, I know I can produce good work. I am a jack. I learn quickly. And if there are new trends in the creative industry, I can learn them. I am an activator. I get things started. I may not be very good at finishing things, but I can either employ the help of friends my God has so generously given me, or produce faster. Either way, the secret to finishing is to get my energy from Him and not me. It can be done. What am I doing?
Lord, I have to reflect on these things. Before I can change the world, Lord, change my mind. Change the way I see. Change the way my heart meditates. Light a candle in my heart to see what my mind can already see. Teach me to care. Teach me to love.
And Lord, Christmas is coming. I volunteer this heart and these hands. What is Your plan, Lord? I want in.
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