Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Follow Up to my Application

Creator of the Universe

Dear God,

Holy Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth, may Your Will be done and may Your Kingdom come. This s to follow up on the application I sent, the letter of intent to work for Your Kingdom. I know I still have things to learn, but I am trainable. Search me, O God. You know me inside and out. And while I am proud to think that I can go places on my own, I know deep down that I cannot do anything worthwhile apart from You. I am aware that You have projects, and I would like to be onboard, to change the world under Your banner. I have received Your gifts of love through the friends You have given me. And more than ever, I want to be on Your team. You know my heart and my thoughts, Lord. You know the desires and the not-so-acceptable wishes I have in my heart. But I know You are fixing me slowly. And I will train, Lord, as long as You are with me. Thank You for making it clear to me about Martin. Call him to You, nonetheless. And Andro, Lord, he is a good man, but wounded. Be the Refuge to him that You were to me. Bind his heart, Lord, and allow him to love again. Truly love again. And please, Lord, I fervently pray, do not be far from him. I fervently pray, make Yourself known to him, that he may see what I have seen, that Your Love heals like clean water, that with You, everything will be alright. I pray for Your protection, Lord. Guard my heart. But teach me to love.

I also pray for Joie. Heal her, dear God. Be a Father to her. And to Mavic, too. And a friend to Isa. So many broken people around me. I also pray for Mommy. Be with her in Davao. Dear God, I would also humbly like to ask help with my finances. Help me with my financial obligations.

I hope, again, You would consider my application. I am willing to start out as a trainee if need be. I am available to start anytime, and am willing to go into whatever project You wish to put me in.


R** L*

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