I still have faith in my King. I still believe that He will do something great. But the people around me don't seem to believe. And it annoys me. There are three women I've met recently whose families are broken because the men in their lives left them. The missionary trainer was more than fifty years of age. And just two years ago, her husband, who was also a missionary trainer, left them. He said he was gay, and he's had it with the responsibilities of the missions and the family. This broke my friend's heart. It broke the children's hearts as well. Another woman, younger, was left by her husband for another woman. They have a daughter. But she believes that God will bring them back together. In the eyes of God, they were married, and no person can ever separate what my King had made one. The third was a girl who worked at a winery. She was in turmoil when I saw her. Her man, I wasn't sure if they were married, had just visited from abroad. He spent the day out with his daughter and the girl. And she showed me pictures of the three of them. They looked like such a happy family. Made me want to cry to know that he had left them. And my King had made a promise with this girl. He promised He would make them whole again. But how? She saw a ring on the man's finger. She cried when she got home then. And my heart really went out to her.
I told my manager of this. But to him, these women had to move on. It was over. The men wanted out. And this irked me to no end. He said men were really like this. They did what they did because it felt good. That's it?! That's supposed to excuse them? And it made no bearing to him that the King made a promise to these women?! Ooohh! I was so annoyed. It made me realize how truly different a Christ-follower thought as compared to other people.
And to add to my frustration, I didn't even have anything to prove to him that my King kept promises. What can I possibly show? We were all broken women. Lord, please, show us Your glory. My King, teach me. How can I show them that You are a God who keeps promises? Grant us miracles, Lord.
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