Sunday, November 20, 2011

Tithing Encouragement

My King,

My pastor, a man I admire, talked today. He talked about tithing, and the heart of it. Lord, I haven't been giving You Your due. The 10% of everything is Yours, Lord. The firstfruits are Yours, my King. I gave 10% of my finances today. But the one thing I know I have not been generous with are my words. The one thing that actually means a lot to a lot of people around me, my smile and encouragement, I withhold as punishment. Lord, You asked for everything. Everything. Not just my money. You ask for time, for words, for smiles, for praises, for encouragement. And over money, being generous with these other things are actually even more beneficial and sought for by the people around me.

Lord, forgive me. I want to give more encouraging words. It's so hard, Lord. But I want to give it. I want to do this for You, Lord. Change my heart, Lord. Take my heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh. Fill me with a new spirit. And teach me to do Your will.

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